App User Feedback App User Feedback Please fill out this form to let us know about your general impressions regarding this app. Do you have a clear understanding about what the app's purpose is?*Rate how clear the app's overall purpose is communicated upon your first impression. Extremely Clear Somewhat Clear Neutral Somewhat Unclear Extremely Unclear Was the app visually attractive?*When looking at the colors, images, and overall look-and-feel, rate how visually attractive this app is. Extremely Attractive Somewhat Attractive Neutral Somewhat Distracting Extremely Distracting How easy was it to move throughout the app?*When navigating from one section to the other, rate how easy it is to move from one part of the app to the other. Extremely Easy Somewhat Easy Neutral Somewhat Difficult Extremely Difficult Check all that apply to your situation.*Help us understand your family's usage of technology. Mom has cell phone Mom uses text messaging Mom has data plan Dad has cell phone Dad uses text messaging Dad has data plan Kid(s) have cell phones Kid(s) have data plan Kids use text messaging Which items do you recommend for encouraging fathers to participate?*Check all of the items you recommend for increasing father engagement with using this app. Offer more training Provide father-related resources Provide more father-related text messages Provide reminders to the father Provide incentives to use the app Other If other, please explain